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Dandong Zhen Sheng Technology Co., Ltd., committed to the development and sales on non-destructive testing equipment.
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Lead Protection Suit:
Using the International Advanced Technologies and made of lead equivalent of 0.25mmPb to 0.5mmPb, this ultra-light, ultra-thin, ultra-soft protective material suit provides excellent radiation protection for personnel working under radioactive environments. It is designed for professional with its lightweight and comfortable design. There are more than 10 colours for your choice.
Protection Goggles:
Front protection 0.5mmPb, 0.65mmPb, 1.0mmPb, side protection 0.5mmPb; normal or myopia glasses, myopia Glasses can be made according to customer’s prescription; comes with side protection for temple area.

Protective Hat, Masks, Gloves:
Mask 0.1mmPb; hat 0.25mmPb.